So apparently I've been named the Time Person of the Year! And so have you, dear reader. Apparently some douchebag yuppies over at Time Magazine have decided to name "You" as the Person of the Year. The logic here is that the internet has allowed all of us to connect on a global level and everyone is participating. So basically Time Magazine is full of shit.
First of all, not everyone is blogging, putting up videos, or even has a myspace. Yes, it's popular and trendy but that doesn't mean it's the most earth shattering thing to happen in 2006. If they really wanted to go down this path, they should've gone ahead and named those YouTube guys people of the year for getting a cool billion and a half out of Google. Go YouTube guys! Stick it to the man!
Unfortunately, I can see these guys thinking that this was really clever and imagine the following exchange occuring at Time's main office:
Tool #1: Hey I know! Let's make EVERYONE Person of the Year!
Tool #2: Huh?
Tool #3: Yeah, except instead of saying everyone, we'll put a reflective piece of foil on the cover and say it's YOU!
Tool #2: Wow that is clearly the most clever thing anyone here has ever come up with!
Tool #4: Brilliant!
Tool #1: Alright let's grab our segways and head to Starbucks!
But no. That's not what happened. This is what happened. They basically compared blogging idiots like me and 13 year old MySpacers/Facebookers to Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin respectively. I amend my previous statement. Not only is Time full of shit, they have also apparently NEVER LOOKED AT MYSPACE BEFORE EVER! Are they serious? Are they comparing Ben Franklin's little timeless pearls of wisdom to some nineteen year old punk showing off her first tattoo with Tinkerbell Wallpaper and Gwen Stefani playing in the background? Did they actually compare “These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot may, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” to well this? You know who I nominate for Person of the Year? The guy who made this page.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
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