Monday, March 12, 2007

What a coincidence! My life ambition also involves dropping out of school and going on Girls Gone Wild !

Maury used to be just another guy with a daytime talk show, with his only distinguishing characteristic being that he was Mr. Connie Chung. Somewhere along the way, and it wasn't an overnight thing either, he slowly started to sell out and became even worse than Jerry Springer's show. I think it started with the whole "sending bad kids to boot camp" shows and then progressed to the paternity tests. I thought the paternity tests, entertaining as they were, were really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Then I saw this on YouTube...

Wow. Congratulations, Mr. Povich. You officially have the trashiest show on television.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God Bless America, where people are free to do whatever they want. Even if stupid.